Doug Cummings

Doug Cummings is a co-founder of Masters of Cinema (and its microsite,, which was initially a hub for cinephilia but is now a DVD label in the UK. He has also blogged and published highlights of his current viewing at for the past seven years. He's written a number of DVD liner notes for Tartan's Ozu boxsets as well as various MoC discs, the ambient sound Ozu tribute CD entitled "Hitokomakura," and published articles in Senses of Cinema, MovieMail, and various magazines in the US and Canada. Most recently, he published "The Brothers Dardenne: Responding to the Face of the Other," an essay exploring the relationship of the Dardennes to Emmanuel Levinas' face-to-face" philosophy.

In the interests of diversity, I've tried to restrict myself to one film per director for the most part, and I've also included some shorts and animated favorites--all in chronological order.

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